At GLOWSO we are incredibly proud of our philosophy of using the combination of the latest scientific research and ancient wisdom to help people glow from the inside out.
What else is especially important to us is the ingredients that we use. They need to be potent, effective, and therapeutic. They also need to be sourced ethically and make sure we are having are having a positive impact on our greater community.
An example of this is the Kakadu Plum that we use in GLOWSO. We have chosen Native K Kakadu Plum as it is potent in natural Vitamin C and other incredible antioxidants that are an essential ingredient of “GLOWSO”.
We also have chosen Native K Kakadu Plum because it is sourced through NAAKPA. The Northern Australia Aboriginal Kakadu Alliance (NAAKPA) is a consortium of Aboriginal enterprises that ethically harvests and processes Kakadu Plum across Northern Australia.
Aboriginal communities and families have been harvesting and using Kakadu Plum for thousands of years. During that time, they have acquired detailed knowledge of the plant’s characteristics growing patterns and uses, and have woven this into their traditional knowledge.
They continue to nurture the natural environment where the Kakadu Plum flourish.
By sourcing Native K Kakadu Plum through NAAKPA we are contributing to the wellbeing of Aboriginal communities in Northern Australia and keeping their traditions alive.
NAAKPA was established to protect the interests of Aboriginal enterprises and communities in the Kakadu Plum industry. It aims to encourage ethical sourcing of native fruit while protecting the interest of Aboriginal communities and their tradition knowledge. The alliance is managed be a Steering Committee consisting of representatives from each Aboriginal enterprise.
Become industry leaders in the research, harvest, processing and marketing of Kakadu Plum by empowering Aboriginal enterprises and families across Northern Australia to draw on land assets and intellectual property (Traditional Ecological Knowledge) within their communities.
Support community harvesting and processing enterprises and linking these directly to large scale markets and consumers by establishing an Aboriginal controlled supply and value chain Alliance.
Promote the products produced by Alliance members, to create commercial advantage and opportunities.
Share aspects of traditional, emerging knowledge and information about orchards, plantations, wild harvest technologies within the Alliance to build capacity and ensure continuity in cultural practices.
Provide advocacy for Alliance members
Respect the privacy and commercial confidence of each individual Alliance member and treat them as an independent enterprise collaborating in an Alliance.
Establish best practice models/protocols in managing access to county and enable an economy that takes into account social and cultural protocols and legal obligations.
Establish a framework to protect and access biocultural knowledge and intellectual property in the bush plant resources space ion behalf of Alliance members,
Establish mechanisms to ensure benefit sharing through real partnerships with academic research projects regarding Kakadu Plum and to provide joint ownership of intellectual property established through this research.
By sourcing Native K Kakadu Plum through NAAKPA we are contributing to the wellbeing of Aboriginal communities in Northern Australia and keeping their traditions and knowledge alive. We are incredible grateful to be able to support this important industry.
Information quoted and images sourced from NAAKPA